Ofsted Outstanding Early Years Provider 2012 - 2013
Ofsted Outstanding Early Years Provider 2012 - 2013

Settling In Policy

Policy Statement

We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the provision and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s wellbeing and their role as active partners with the provision.

Essential to any settling in is the welfare and emotional stability of the child, which is why we encourage parents to come into the nursery and spend some time before the child starts officially. We also recognise that it is important for parents to share knowledge about their child’s needs, likes, dislikes and routine.


In order to help children settle comfortably, we use the following procedure:


Before a child starts to attend the setting, we use a variety of ways to provide parents with information. This includes our policies, website and an in-depth viewing of the nursery. We also request parents/carers provide us with a happy photo of the child and family photos, so family books and coat peg/registration badges can be prepared before the child starts.


We allocate a key person to each child before the settling in process to welcome the child to nursery.


Parents are advised to arrange times for a settling-in visit when the child is normally at their most content, i.e., not hungry or in need of a sleep. Whilst parents are welcome to stay for these sessions, we normally recommend that they do leave the child for a short period on the child’s second session. The room leader/key person can discuss with parents how this will be arranged so it is the least distressing to child and parent. They will ensure they know how to settle the child if he/she becomes distressed. Parents will be contacted immediately if staff are unsuccessful at settling a child and other strategies will be tried.


Children may bring in a comfort object (clearly labelled with their name) if it will enable them to settle.


Some children take longer to settle. This can be for a variety of reasons; maybe they have not been left before or have had an unhappy previous experience when parted from their main carers. The key person will work with the parents to try different settling techniques. These might include leaving items of clothing that smell of a main carer, photographs of their family, using key words in the child’s home language.


When a child starts to attend, we explain the process of settling-in with his/her parents and jointly decide on the best way to help the child to settle into the setting.


We have an expectation that the parent, carer or close relative will stay for some of the session during the first week, gradually taking time away from their child, increasing this as and when the child is able to cope.


Younger children may take longer to settle in, as will children who have not previously spent time away from home. Children who have had a period of absence may also need their parent to be on hand to re-settle them.


We judge a child to be settled when they have formed a relationship with their key person; for example, the child looks for the key person when he/she arrives, goes to them for comfort, and seems pleased to be with them. The child is also familiar with where things are and is pleased to see other children and participate in activities.


When parents leave, we ask them to say goodbye to their child and explain what time they will return.

Please Note:

We recognise that some children will settle more readily than others and that some children are not ready to be left yet. This could be because the child is just not ready to leave his/her primary care giver. Or it could be that a nursery setting is not right for the child and a childminder might be better suited.

Whatever the reason, we do not believe that leaving a child to cry will help them to settle any quicker. We understand that a child's distress will prevent them from learning and gaining the best from Moseley Montessori Nursery.

If after the first two weeks we find that the child is still upset, crying and not settling we reserve the right to terminate the child’s place at this nursery with immediate effect. This is for the benefit of the child’s emotional development. There may be some instances where we feel that an additional two weeks of short settling in sessions will benefit, where we can see that progress has been made but the child simply needs more time with before attending full days or sessions.




St Columba Church, Chantry Road, Moseley, Birmingham. B13 8DJ

Email: enquiries@moseleymontessori.com

Telehone: 0121 449 1801

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